The REACTION partnership facilitates the integration of complementary experience and skills (welfare, training, technological, etc.), all based on knowledge of the area of operation and of the concrete needs of the people who live there. Thanks to such expertise, it will be possible to ensure adequate IFeC training, activate the area network, and adopt strategies and technologies suited to needs.

University of Eastern Piedmont
Main italian partner
The Department of Translational Medicine (DIMET) of the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO) has expertise in the following: 1) planning the implementation and evaluation of care models specific to home patient care (Family and Community Nursing) and organizational models in a hospital setting (Primary Nursing, Intentional Rounding); 2) training, through the Master in Family and Community Nursing, the advanced course for Primary Nursing Educators and the Master in Lifestyle Medicine; 3) basic and clinical research, related to interventions for promoting health and healthy lifestyles (transferable, sustainable, and efficient prevention measures) and identifying “best practices” in the hospital setting and at home; creating professional networks and managing projects related to the above. Further, DIMET’s Aging Project contributed to their earning a certificate of excellence from MIUR.
As the project’s main Italian partner, UPO will be responsible for project coordination, communication efforts, and various activities within the other work packages.
ASL of Novara
The ASL of Novara is composed of 76 Municipalities, with a total population of 348,073 residents of which 23% are over 64 years old and residents of the 3 Districts covered by the ASL. The ASL offers a system of continuous, multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary and multi-level assistance, ensured through the Primary Care network: local services, General Practitioners, Pediatricians, residential and social services and the hospitals. The ASL is characterized by a Single Point of Access, where the citizen is received and given access to the services, and 8 medical centers where the Family and Community Health Nurses operate. These Nurses are the connection between the patient and the services in the area. The multi-disciplinary care of the patient who is frail or suffers from chronicity and the integration of services is carried out through an integrated Hospital-Territory integrated continuity of care pathway, 9 diagnostic therapeutic care or organizational pathways, and sheltered pathways for the disabled.
University of Turin (UNITO), which is deeply committed to research, directly manages around 500 projects per year at the national and international level. The nursing research unit in the Department of Public Health and Pediatric Sciences has proven experience in planning and evaluating research projects, with various financed projects on patient care management both within and outside of the hospital environment. It is responsible for training with respect to designing the master in Family and Community Nursing and Public Health Nursing. Furthermore, it has numerous publications to its credit on patient care in the nursing home, patients with dementia, and the ability for older persons with pulmonary illnesses to take care of themselves.
UNITO is in charge of process evaluation and project impact.
ASL of Vercelli
The ASL of Vercelli is made up of a single District and serves a population of 168,073 users, of which 46,161 are over 65 years old, distributed amongst 89 Municipalities. Since 2015 the ASL has developed a distinct governance model for chronicity and frailty that aims at identifying the frail subject early on, planning the methodologies and setting for delivering care, and sharing and integrating information through ICT systems, multi-dimensional evaluation, and systematic monitoring. In line with the above, the ASL has also: developed 5 diagnostic-therapeutic-care pathways for persons with chronic pathologies, called intercompany pathways when more professionals are involved; launched the trial of the Case della Salute (CdS) and Family and Community Nursing to upgrade and optimize the primary care response in support of citizens; and developed “Project Dedalo” for healthcare promotion.
ALVAD – Main swiss partner
ALVAD, created in 1999, is recognized as a Home Care and Assistance Service of public interest. In 2018, it delivered 140,000 hours of services for 2,005 users, 2.86% of the population, including 1,670 older persons, 315 disabled persons and 20 families. The service promotes projects aimed at strengthening prevention measures (also through collaboration with supporting organizations and local voluntary associations), facilitates the self-management of patients with chronic illnesses and their families, and supports the training of specialists in the healthcare field. To this end, with the goal of improving clinical expertise for chronicity management, ALVAD has, since 2016, developed an action-learning project aimed at nurses and healthcare personnel. Furthermore, it participated in the “To be and to Communicate in Old Age” project, with the purpose of bringing together and familiarizing all users located in outlying areas with new technology.
The entire service currently includes 207 persons, including 27 social-health professionals, 22 clinical specialists (nurses with a Diploma of Advanced Studies-DAS), 17 family helpers, 14 registered nurses, 7 healthcare worker apprentices, 1 social worker, and 13 office workers (management and administrative personnel). Thanks to their participation in the project, ALVAD was able to widen its collaboration network. It is currently able to consult with external institutions, with specific expertise in developing new technology to help the elderly person remain at home as long as possible.
ALVAD is the project’s main Swiss partner and is in charge of experimental interventions. Within the Project, ALVAD has begun a collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland – SUPSI.
Steering committee
Alberto Dal Molin, Responsabile, Università del Piemonte Orientale
Fabrizio Faggiano, Università del Piemonte Orientale
Erica Busca – Coordinatore, Università del Piemonte Orientale
Serena Maulini – Coordinatore, Università del Piemonte Orientale
Daiana Campani, Università del Piemonte Orientale
Gabriele Balestra, ALVAD
Santhosh Mannamplackal, ALVAD
Cesarina Prandi, ALVAD
Sara Levati, ALVAD
Federica Riccio, ASL Vercelli
Paolo Rasmini, ASL Vercelli
Cristina Zani, ASL Vercelli
Barbara Suardi, ASL Vercelli
Laura Signorotti, ASL Novara
Elena Vallana, ASL Novara
Sonia Pratillo, ASL Novara
Romina Matella, ASL Novara
Tiziana Vallerani , ASL Novara
Antonio Celentano, ASL Novara
Paola di Giulio, UNITO
Marco Clari, UNITO
Sara Campagna, UNITO
Valerio Dimonte, UNITO
To get in touch with the project leaders, you can send an email to reaction.project@uniupo.it
Operation co-financed by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund, Italian government, Swiss Confederation, and Intterg V-A Italy-Swizerland Co-operation Programme