Scadenza: 30 September 2021
Velux Foundation focus on a bio-psycho-social approach and support research that aims to sustain or increase the functional ability and intrinsic capacity of older people. A person's intrinsic capacities and the interaction with his or her environment make up functional ability.
The Foundation finances basic and clinical research projects that are original and have a significant impact on other disciplines, which are able to accelerate research by removing existing obstacles and whose impact is clearly measurable.
International and interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged.
The application must establish why the project is not eligible for other funding sources and why you wish to be funded by Velux Stiftung.
Ente finanziatore:
Velux Foundation
Duration of the project: 1-4 years
Who can participate:
The PI must be a permanent employee of a university or other permanent research institution.
Quota finanziabile:
50.000 - 100.000 CHF /Year
Velux Foundation focus on a bio-psycho-social approach and support research that aims to sustain or increase the functional ability and intrinsic capacity of older people. A person's intrinsic capacities and the interaction with his or her environment make up functional ability.
The Foundation finances basic and clinical research projects that are original and have a significant impact on other disciplines, which are able to accelerate research by removing existing obstacles and whose impact is clearly measurable.
International and interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged.
The application must establish why the project is not eligible for other funding sources and why you wish to be funded by Velux Stiftung.
Who can participate:
The PI must be a permanent employee of a university or other permanent research institution.
Status: Open
Total budget:
Funding rate:
50.000 - 100.000 CHF /Year
Projects that will not be funded
Research projects investigating the biology of ageing that aim to slow down, pause or reverse the ageing process will no longer be considered for funding.
Equally, medical research on aetiology, diagnosis and therapy (development and evaluation) of age-related diseases will no longer be supported.