Scadenza: 22 April 2022
Scadenze successive:
1 April 2022: opening of calls
by April 22, 2022, researchers must:
register on the Tetra portal,
enter the title of the proposed project,
fill in the Type of Research section and report the name and code of the disease, the Research Type and the Research Step.
May 17, 2022 at 13:00: closing of calls - deadline for submitting projects.
The calls are intended to allow researchers to bring new knowledge whose contribution is significant for a better understanding of the disease and for the identification of therapeutic approaches. Each researcher can participate in only one of the 6 calls of the Spring Seed Grant initiative, as a Lead Applicant or as a Collaborator.
For this initiative, collaboration agreements have been finalized between the Telethon Foundation and patient associations for the opening of single-issue tenders for the following pathologies:
Anderson-Fabry disease (with the Italian Anderson-Fabry Association)
Lafora disease (with Tempozero)
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (with Alice Seu Project)
Neurodevelopmental syndrome due to mutations in the CAMK2b gene (with Unique Association)
Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (with Italian Phelan-McDermid Association)
Rett syndrome (with Prorett research)
Duration of the project: 1 year
Who can participate:
Participation in the Spring Seed Grant initiative is open to all researchers working in Italian public or private non-profit research facilities, including researchers currently funded by the Telethon Foundation.
Quota finanziabile:
50.000 € per year
The calls are intended to allow researchers to bring new knowledge whose contribution is significant for a better understanding of the disease and for the identification of therapeutic approaches. Each researcher can participate in only one of the 6 calls of the Spring Seed Grant initiative, as a Lead Applicant or as a Collaborator.
For this initiative, collaboration agreements have been finalized between the Telethon Foundation and patient associations for the opening of single-issue tenders for the following pathologies:
Anderson-Fabry disease (with the Italian Anderson-Fabry Association)
Lafora disease (with Tempozero)
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (with Alice Seu Project)
Neurodevelopmental syndrome due to mutations in the CAMK2b gene (with Unique Association)
Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (with Italian Phelan-McDermid Association)
Rett syndrome (with Prorett research)
Who can participate:
Participation in the Spring Seed Grant initiative is open to all researchers working in Italian public or private non-profit research facilities, including researchers currently funded by the Telethon Foundation.
Status: Open
Total budget:
Funding rate:
50.000 € per year