Scadenza: 11 June 2020


- Support international networking of existing, mainly longitudinal, cohorts in order to extract jointly
agreed standardized data on COVID 19 diagnosed/serotyped and matched non infected individuals.
- Contribute to:
a) Identifying key factors influencing the susceptibility to infection and clinical manifestation
b) assess optimized therapeutic and clinical management options,
c) derive lessons on the health and socio economic impacts of the pandemic.
- Develop cohort readiness to adapt rapidly to future crisis.


Horizon 2020

Ente finanziatore:

European Commission

Budget complessivo:

3 MLN €

Who can participate:

Horizon 2020 main rules:
1) At least three legal entities participate in an action;
2) The three legal entities are established in different EU Member States or associated countries;
3) The three legal entities are independent of each other.

Partnership: Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

EUR 2 and 3 million

SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2E (CSA): - Support international networking of existing, mainly longitudinal, cohorts in order to extract jointly agreed standardized data on COVID 19 diagnosed/serotyped and matched non infected individuals. - Contribute to: a) Identifying key factors influencing the susceptibility to infection and clinical manifestation b) assess optimized therapeutic and clinical management options, c) derive lessons on the health and socio economic impacts of the pandemic. - Develop cohort readiness to adapt rapidly to future crisis.

Who can participate:
Horizon 2020 main rules: 1) At least three legal entities participate in an action; 2) The three legal entities are established in different EU Member States or associated countries; 3) The three legal entities are independent of each other.

Horizon 2020

Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:
3 MLN €

Funding rate:
EUR 2 and 3 million

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