Scadenza: 11 June 2020


The COVID-19 pandemic created an urgent demand for evidence-based innovative and rapid solutions to deal with health and health-related emergencies, to offer the best possible care to patients, and to protect the general population and the frontline health care staff. This expression of interest is to complement research efforts in the fight against the coronavirus, in particular projects resulting from the first H2020 expression of interest, which is currently addressing epidemiology and modelling, diagnostics, treatment, and vaccine. In parallel, Research and Innovation should without delay start analysing the lessons from the present crisis, in particular its impact on health and socio-economic aspects, and propose recommendations for being better prepared in the future if confronted with similar events.


Horizon 2020

Ente finanziatore:

European Commission

Budget complessivo:

20 MLN €

Who can participate:

Horizon 2020 main rules:
1) At least three legal entities participate in an action;
2) The three legal entities are established in different EU Member States or associated countries;
3 The three legal entities are independent of each other.

The cohort should cover a wide geographical area in Europe and other parts of the world.
Interaction with national and/or European biobanks could be of high relevance.

Partnership: Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

15-20 MLN €

SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2D (RIA): The COVID-19 pandemic created an urgent demand for evidence-based innovative and rapid solutions to deal with health and health-related emergencies, to offer the best possible care to patients, and to protect the general population and the frontline health care staff. This expression of interest is to complement research efforts in the fight against the coronavirus, in particular projects resulting from the first H2020 expression of interest, which is currently addressing epidemiology and modelling, diagnostics, treatment, and vaccine. In parallel, Research and Innovation should without delay start analysing the lessons from the present crisis, in particular its impact on health and socio-economic aspects, and propose recommendations for being better prepared in the future if confronted with similar events.

Who can participate:
Horizon 2020 main rules: 1) At least three legal entities participate in an action; 2) The three legal entities are established in different EU Member States or associated countries; 3 The three legal entities are independent of each other. The cohort should cover a wide geographical area in Europe and other parts of the world. Interaction with national and/or European biobanks could be of high relevance.

Horizon 2020

Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:
20 MLN €

Funding rate:
15-20 MLN €

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