Scadenza: 11 June 2020



Proposals should focus on lessons learnt:
i) how to mitigate social and economic impacts of the outbreak response related to health systems;
ii) identify non intended consequences of epidemic control decisions; and
iii) provide answers to social, including gendered, dynamics of the outbreak and the related public
health response.


Horizon 2020

Ente finanziatore:

European Commission

Budget complessivo:

20 MLN €

Duration of the project: To deliver results within 3-36 months to end users at scale.

Who can participate:

H2020 main rules:
1) At least three legal entities participate in an action;
2) The three legal entities are established in different EU Member States or associated countries;
3) The three legal entities are independent of each other.

Partnership: Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

4 - 10 MLN €

SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2C (RIA): Proposals should focus on lessons learnt: i) how to mitigate social and economic impacts of the outbreak response related to health systems; ii) identify non intended consequences of epidemic control decisions; and iii) provide answers to social, including gendered, dynamics of the outbreak and the related public health response.

Who can participate:
H2020 main rules: 1) At least three legal entities participate in an action; 2) The three legal entities are established in different EU Member States or associated countries; 3) The three legal entities are independent of each other.

Horizon 2020

Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:
20 MLN €

Funding rate:
4 - 10 MLN €

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