Scadenza: 4 June 2020


Strategies to convey accurate and up-to-date information on cell and gene


Horizon 2020 SC1 "Health, demographic change and wellbeing"
Priority 1.2: Innovative health and care industry

Budget complessivo:

EUR 2 million



Quota finanziabile:

between EUR 1.5 and 2 million

Strategies to convey accurate and up-to-date information on cell and gene

Who can participate:

Horizon 2020 SC1 "Health, demographic change and wellbeing" Priority 1.2: Innovative health and care industry


Status: Open

Total budget:
EUR 2 million

Funding rate:
between EUR 1.5 and 2 million

Scope: - Strategies to convey accurate and up-to-date information on cell and gene therapies using multiple contemporary modalities, including a website - Provide expertise on human stem cells, regenerative medicine, genome editing and gene therapy - Involve EMA, the Heads of Medicines Agencies network and/or EUnetHTA network - Cover all stages of product development such as manufacturing guidelines and requirements, national and international regulations, data and clinical management as well as market approval and acceptability Impact: - Communicate to patients and the public objectively, accurately and transparently, the latest developments and actual treatments available in the field in order to avoid misconceptions. - Better informed decision making by regulatory and healthcare authorities. - Improved products development

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