Scadenza: 19 March 2021


Research projects will be financed under the funding scheme “Mobility of Researchers”, which are joint research projects where only the expenses for researchers’ mobility are funded.
Project proposals can be submitted exclusively within one of the following priority research areas:
- Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
- Space
- Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Environment
- Nano-sciences and Advanced Materials
- Information and Communication Technologies, including technologies applied to Cultural Heritage
- Medicine and Health.

Ente finanziatore:

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA

Duration of the project: Project proposals shall have the same duration of the Executive Protocol (2 years: 1 st January 2022 – 31st December 2023)

Who can participate:

The call is open to coordinators:
holding the Italian or any other EU nationality, provided they are legally resident in Italy;
holding a permanent position, or a temporary position covering at least the time extent of the project within the applying research institution

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

The Italian Party will pay the international travel expenses to researchers of the Italian team visiting Poland and will provide a contribution for accommodation expenses in Italy to researchers of the Polish team, as follows:
- 93 Euros/day, from day 1 to day 10
- 18,50 Euros/day, from day 11 to day 30, up to a maximum amount of 1.300 Euros/month

Research projects will be financed under the funding scheme “Mobility of Researchers”, which are joint research projects where only the expenses for researchers’ mobility are funded. Project proposals can be submitted exclusively within one of the following priority research areas: - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry - Space - Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Environment - Nano-sciences and Advanced Materials - Information and Communication Technologies, including technologies applied to Cultural Heritage - Medicine and Health.

Who can participate:
The call is open to coordinators: holding the Italian or any other EU nationality, provided they are legally resident in Italy; holding a permanent position, or a temporary position covering at least the time extent of the project within the applying research institution


Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:

Funding rate:
The Italian Party will pay the international travel expenses to researchers of the Italian team visiting Poland and will provide a contribution for accommodation expenses in Italy to researchers of the Polish team, as follows: - 93 Euros/day, from day 1 to day 10 - 18,50 Euros/day, from day 11 to day 30, up to a maximum amount of 1.300 Euros/month

Only the costs for the exchange of researchers will be funded

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