Scadenza: 20 February 2020


Networks for knowledge and information sharing


Activities Jean Monnet

Budget complessivo:

≈ 8 MLN

Who can participate:

Organizations that coordinate a network composed of at least three institutions from as many countries.

Partnership: Mandatory



Networks for knowledge and information sharing

Who can participate:
Organizations that coordinate a network composed of at least three institutions from as many countries.

ERASMUS + CALL 2020 Activities Jean Monnet

Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:
≈ 8 MLN

Funding rate:

Jean Monnet Networks foster the creation and development of consortia of international players (Higher Education Institutions, Centres of Excellence, departments, teams, individual experts, etc.) in the area of European Union studies in order to gather information, exchange practices, build knowledge and promote the European integration process across the world.

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