Scadenza: 29 September 2020


Restricted Call to maximise impact of IMI2 JU objectives and scientific priorities.
The scope of the restricted Call will be to support further research activities in those exceptional cases where it is necessary to enable successful consortia to build on the achievements of their initial action and move onto the next step of the challenge.


Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2)

Ente finanziatore:

European Commission and European Federation for Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)

Budget complessivo:

11,5 MLN

Duration of the project: 24 months

Who can participate:

The call is restricted to the initial consortia of actions funded under topics published in the IMI2 JU Annual Work Plans of 2014, 2015 and 2016 since only these actions are sufficiently advanced in their implementation to be considered for follow-up activities.

Partnership: Mandatory



Restricted Call to maximise impact of IMI2 JU objectives and scientific priorities. The scope of the restricted Call will be to support further research activities in those exceptional cases where it is necessary to enable successful consortia to build on the achievements of their initial action and move onto the next step of the challenge.

Who can participate:
The call is restricted to the initial consortia of actions funded under topics published in the IMI2 JU Annual Work Plans of 2014, 2015 and 2016 since only these actions are sufficiently advanced in their implementation to be considered for follow-up activities.

Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2)

Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:
11,5 MLN

Funding rate:

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