Scadenza: 15 July 2020
The overarching objective of this call is to improve expertise and knowledge on industrial relations through analysis and research, at EU level as well as in comparative terms (identifying convergences and differences in the industrial relations systems in place in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries), thereby contributing to developing and reinforcing quality and effectiveness of industrial relations structures and processes in the Member States and in Europe as a whole.
To be eligible, actions must be fully carried out in the Member States of the European Union or the Candidate Countries.
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - Social dialogue
Budget complessivo:
€ 4.150.389.
Duration of the project: The project's duration should indicatively be between 12 months and 24 months.
Who can participate:
Both candidates and Consortia can participate in the call.
The single applicant must be an international organisation.
The consortium must involve at least one university or non-profit research institute as a leader or co-applicant (non-mandatory requirement if the lead applicant is an international organization).
Partnership: Not Mandatory
Quota finanziabile:
between 150.000 and 500.000 € (the EU grant may not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs)
The overarching objective of this call is to improve expertise and knowledge on industrial relations through analysis and research, at EU level as well as in comparative terms (identifying convergences and differences in the industrial relations systems in place in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries), thereby contributing to developing and reinforcing quality and effectiveness of industrial relations structures and processes in the Member States and in Europe as a whole.
To be eligible, actions must be fully carried out in the Member States of the European Union or the Candidate Countries.
Who can participate:
Both candidates and Consortia can participate in the call.
The single applicant must be an international organisation.
The consortium must involve at least one university or non-profit research institute as a leader or co-applicant (non-mandatory requirement if the lead applicant is an international organization).
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - Social dialogue
Consortium: Not required
Status: Open
Total budget:
€ 4.150.389.
Funding rate:
between 150.000 and 500.000 € (the EU grant may not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs)