Scadenza: 21 September 2021


The proposals should take into consideration the already existing EU-funded initiatives in this area and must address in a coherent manner at least three of the following items, but may also contain other research and innovations activities for improving patient safety:
-Fill knowledge and practice gaps in quality of care and patient safety, including through harmonisation and standardisation of health care delivery, optimizing inter-sectoral clinical pathways and decision-making processes and tools across regions and countries.
-Development and piloting of harmonised evidence-based interventions in a uniform and structured way in health care institutions of different EU regions and countries. This should be addressed in case studies at hospital, primary and outpatient care levels, and it should also take into consideration the diverse health care landscape across European Union and Associated Countries.
-Research on translation of international standards and clinical guidelines into national practice for improved quality of care and patient safety.
-Provide context-specific evidence on facilitators and barriers for transferring identified good practices across regions and countries.
Comprehensive comparison of practices related to clinical guidelines in European Union and Associated Countries, including the regulatory basis underpinning guidelines in each health system, the guideline development process, mechanisms of quality control, implementation modalities, and evaluation of produced recommendations.
-Development of innovative approaches for the integration of harmonised and standardised practices with personalised treatment plans.
Proposals should consider a patient-centred approach that empowers patients/citizens, promotes a culture of dialogue and openness between health professionals and citizens/ patients, and unleashes the potential for social innovation.


HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions

Ente finanziatore:


Budget complessivo:

25 milion

Who can participate:

To be eligible for funding, applicants must be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
- the Member States of the European Union, including their outermost regions;
- the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) linked to the Member States;
- eligible non-EU countries:
- countries associated to Horizon Europe;
- low- and middle-income countries

Partnership: Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:


The proposals should take into consideration the already existing EU-funded initiatives in this area and must address in a coherent manner at least three of the following items, but may also contain other research and innovations activities for improving patient safety: -Fill knowledge and practice gaps in quality of care and patient safety, including through harmonisation and standardisation of health care delivery, optimizing inter-sectoral clinical pathways and decision-making processes and tools across regions and countries. -Development and piloting of harmonised evidence-based interventions in a uniform and structured way in health care institutions of different EU regions and countries. This should be addressed in case studies at hospital, primary and outpatient care levels, and it should also take into consideration the diverse health care landscape across European Union and Associated Countries. -Research on translation of international standards and clinical guidelines into national practice for improved quality of care and patient safety. -Provide context-specific evidence on facilitators and barriers for transferring identified good practices across regions and countries. Comprehensive comparison of practices related to clinical guidelines in European Union and Associated Countries, including the regulatory basis underpinning guidelines in each health system, the guideline development process, mechanisms of quality control, implementation modalities, and evaluation of produced recommendations. -Development of innovative approaches for the integration of harmonised and standardised practices with personalised treatment plans. Proposals should consider a patient-centred approach that empowers patients/citizens, promotes a culture of dialogue and openness between health professionals and citizens/ patients, and unleashes the potential for social innovation.

Who can participate:
To be eligible for funding, applicants must be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.: - the Member States of the European Union, including their outermost regions; - the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) linked to the Member States; - eligible non-EU countries: - countries associated to Horizon Europe; - low- and middle-income countries

HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions

Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:
25 milion

Funding rate:

The Commission estimates that an EU contribution of around EUR 5.00 million would allow these outcomes to be addressed appropriately.

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