Scadenza: 17 May 2022


Generate new knowledge to reduce inequalities and foster the development of more inclusive societies. To be considered eligible for evaluation, projects must meet the following requirements:
 respect the research priorities identified by the call;
 have a maximum duration of 12 months;
 involve, train and promote young researchers;
 promoting gender equality in the careers of researchers;
 provide for the inclusion of policy makers among the targets of science communication activities and the creation of at least one scientific dissemination article relating to the results of the project.

Ente finanziatore:


Duration of the project: 12 months

Who can participate:

Public or private non-profit organizations
The managers of the lead unit must possess the following requirements:
- a maximum age of 45 years, completed by the expiry date of the first phase;
- be a corresponding author in all the publications that will derive from the project results and, in at least one of these, the latest author

Partnership: Not Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

100.000€ - 200.000€

Generate new knowledge to reduce inequalities and foster the development of more inclusive societies. To be considered eligible for evaluation, projects must meet the following requirements:  respect the research priorities identified by the call;  have a maximum duration of 12 months;  involve, train and promote young researchers;  promoting gender equality in the careers of researchers;  provide for the inclusion of policy makers among the targets of science communication activities and the creation of at least one scientific dissemination article relating to the results of the project.

Who can participate:
Public or private non-profit organizations The managers of the lead unit must possess the following requirements: - a maximum age of 45 years, completed by the expiry date of the first phase; - be a corresponding author in all the publications that will derive from the project results and, in at least one of these, the latest author


Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:

Funding rate:
100.000€ - 200.000€

Projects that, in addition to not respecting the scientific priorities identified by the call, have the following characteristics will be considered ineligible for evaluation:  purely descriptive research;  requests for funding for the creation of new research centers;  research projects with no clear social and policy implications.

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