Scadenza: 25 January 2022


The aim of this action is to improve access to and understanding of risk factors and health determinants to improve health outcomes for cancer.
Applicants shall target their proposal to one or both of the action strands (a, b) described below and indicate that clearly in the proposal.
(a) to support the usability of the recommendations of the European Code against Cancer through the ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’ by means of activities covering training, piloting and promotion amongst the general population. Support will include activities to provide relevant input for the design and development of the ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’.
(b) to support ‘Health Literacy for Cancer Prevention and Care’ by means of activities that develop and share best practices to strengthen health literacy in cancer prevention and care programmes, with a focus on disadvantaged groups. These activities will include the assessment of literacy on cancer prevention and will provide support for targeted actions to improve the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand health information to make informed decisions about cancer prevention. These targeted actions will be designed taking into consideration health literacy programs developed within healthcare systems and in the community, for instance, to reduce medical jargon and improve education using plain language, easy-to-understand written materials and teach-back, and also plain language written materials, including visuals to provide more culturally and linguistically appropriate health education and enhanced web-based information.
The expected results are:
(a) increased usability of ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’ amongst the general population through training, piloting and promotion;
(b) the launch of a project to increase health literacy for cancer prevention and care.


EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)

Ente finanziatore:


Budget complessivo:

EUR 1 500 000 for strand a)
EUR 1 000 000 for strand b)

Duration of the project: Between 12 and 36 months recommended length of a project is 24 months

Who can participate:

Academia and education establishments, civil society organisations (associations, foundations, NGOs and similar entities), and research institutes in the field of public health having experience in information, communication and inequalities.

Partnership: Not Mandatory



The aim of this action is to improve access to and understanding of risk factors and health determinants to improve health outcomes for cancer. Applicants shall target their proposal to one or both of the action strands (a, b) described below and indicate that clearly in the proposal. (a) to support the usability of the recommendations of the European Code against Cancer through the ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’ by means of activities covering training, piloting and promotion amongst the general population. Support will include activities to provide relevant input for the design and development of the ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’. (b) to support ‘Health Literacy for Cancer Prevention and Care’ by means of activities that develop and share best practices to strengthen health literacy in cancer prevention and care programmes, with a focus on disadvantaged groups. These activities will include the assessment of literacy on cancer prevention and will provide support for targeted actions to improve the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand health information to make informed decisions about cancer prevention. These targeted actions will be designed taking into consideration health literacy programs developed within healthcare systems and in the community, for instance, to reduce medical jargon and improve education using plain language, easy-to-understand written materials and teach-back, and also plain language written materials, including visuals to provide more culturally and linguistically appropriate health education and enhanced web-based information. The expected results are: (a) increased usability of ‘EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention’ amongst the general population through training, piloting and promotion; (b) the launch of a project to increase health literacy for cancer prevention and care.

Who can participate:
Academia and education establishments, civil society organisations (associations, foundations, NGOs and similar entities), and research institutes in the field of public health having experience in information, communication and inequalities.

EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)

Consortium: Not required

Status: Open

Total budget:
EUR 1 500 000 for strand a) EUR 1 000 000 for strand b)

Funding rate:

Proposals to be awarded under this topic: Two proposals covering strands a) and b)

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