Scadenza: 25 January 2022
The aim of the action is to increase awareness, knowledge sharing and capacity building in the area of mental health.
Activities will include the transfer of practices shared within the Health Policy Platform network on ‘COVID-19 mental health support’. The Commission has set up a dedicated space on ‘COVID19 mental health support’ within the Health Policy Platform. This allows interested stakeholder organisations to come together to discuss and exchange mental health practices and knowledge. Coordinated by Mental Health Europe, the group includes a focus on the needs of specific and/or vulnerable groups, including children and young people. In addition to exchanging practices, the network on ‘COVID-19 mental health support’ will increase awareness, knowledge sharing and support for health professionals’ training, including the development of necessary guidance and/or training material, such as video tutorials, manuals, etc.
EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Ente finanziatore:
Budget complessivo:
EUR 750.000
Duration of the project: Proposals should range between 12 and 36 months, the recommended length of a project is 24 months.
Who can participate:
Public or private non-profit organisations. NGOs active in the field of mental health are recommended to participate in the action
Partnership: Mandatory
Quota finanziabile:
The aim of the action is to increase awareness, knowledge sharing and capacity building in the area of mental health.
Activities will include the transfer of practices shared within the Health Policy Platform network on ‘COVID-19 mental health support’. The Commission has set up a dedicated space on ‘COVID19 mental health support’ within the Health Policy Platform. This allows interested stakeholder organisations to come together to discuss and exchange mental health practices and knowledge. Coordinated by Mental Health Europe, the group includes a focus on the needs of specific and/or vulnerable groups, including children and young people. In addition to exchanging practices, the network on ‘COVID-19 mental health support’ will increase awareness, knowledge sharing and support for health professionals’ training, including the development of necessary guidance and/or training material, such as video tutorials, manuals, etc.
Who can participate:
Public or private non-profit organisations. NGOs active in the field of mental health are recommended to participate in the action
EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Consortium: Required
Status: Open
Total budget:
EUR 750.000
Funding rate:
Proposals to be awarded under this topic: Up to 2 proposals.
The consortium must be composed by at least one NGO active in the field of mental health, preferably at EU level