Scadenza: 15 September 2021
The aim of the action is to enhance the quality and safety and optimise radiation technology in medicine.
Applicants shall target their proposal to one or more of the action strands (a, b, c) described below and indicate that clearly in the proposal.
This action will be implemented in close cooperation with the Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications of nuclear and radiation technology (SAMIRA) (SWD(2021)14 final) and the activities will be grouped as follows:
(a) Quality and safety of medical radiation applications
The action will include accompanying activities to:
(1) build co-operations, support and monitor medical radiations applications,
(2) develop evidence-based guidance and practical tools for quality and safety of medical ionising radiation applications,
(3) build EU dose registry for patients undergoing radiological and nuclear medicine
imaging, and
(4) support to align Euratom / EU action on medical radiological diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, including acceptance and performance testing, technical standards and harmonised reporting of adverse events, align Euratom / EU action on radiopharmaceuticals, and support actions for clinical audit of radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy practices.
(b) Workforce education and training
The action will include activities for the:
(1) Union-wide monitoring of workforce availability, education and training;
(2) capacity building in modern radionuclide cancer diagnosis, therapy and ‘theragnostics’; and
(3) development of EU curricula and certification schemes in the quality and safety of radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy.
(c) Equal access to modern medical radiation technology and interventions
The action will include:
(1) monitoring of the Union imaging and radiotherapy equipment base and the availability of modern quality and safety features;
(2) develop quality and safety criteria and optimised imaging protocols for advanced medical imaging;
(3) cover medical radiation technology, including diagnostic and therapeutic application, in national cancer plans; and
(4) improve evidence for clinical efficacy of novel cancer interventions involving ionising radiation.
Applicants have to ensure co-ordination with other SAMIRA actions, in order to avoid duplication of activities. In particular, applicants should take into account the Directorate General for Energy’s calls for tenders on medical equipment and co-ordinated implementation of the legal bases for nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceuticals.
EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Ente finanziatore:
Budget complessivo:
Duration of the project: 24 months
Who can participate:
Academia and education establishments, research institutes, hospitals, expert networks including ERNs, enterprises in the field of public health, Member States’ authorities and established networks in the field of public health having experience in at least one of the major fields of clinical application of ionising radiation, including radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy.
Partnership: Not Mandatory
Quota finanziabile:
The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (maximum 60%). You can apply for a higher project funding rate (maximum 80%) if your project is of ‘exceptional utility’.
The aim of the action is to enhance the quality and safety and optimise radiation technology in medicine.
Applicants shall target their proposal to one or more of the action strands (a, b, c) described below and indicate that clearly in the proposal.
This action will be implemented in close cooperation with the Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications of nuclear and radiation technology (SAMIRA) (SWD(2021)14 final) and the activities will be grouped as follows:
(a) Quality and safety of medical radiation applications
The action will include accompanying activities to:
(1) build co-operations, support and monitor medical radiations applications,
(2) develop evidence-based guidance and practical tools for quality and safety of medical ionising radiation applications,
(3) build EU dose registry for patients undergoing radiological and nuclear medicine
imaging, and
(4) support to align Euratom / EU action on medical radiological diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, including acceptance and performance testing, technical standards and harmonised reporting of adverse events, align Euratom / EU action on radiopharmaceuticals, and support actions for clinical audit of radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy practices.
(b) Workforce education and training
The action will include activities for the:
(1) Union-wide monitoring of workforce availability, education and training;
(2) capacity building in modern radionuclide cancer diagnosis, therapy and ‘theragnostics’; and
(3) development of EU curricula and certification schemes in the quality and safety of radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy.
(c) Equal access to modern medical radiation technology and interventions
The action will include:
(1) monitoring of the Union imaging and radiotherapy equipment base and the availability of modern quality and safety features;
(2) develop quality and safety criteria and optimised imaging protocols for advanced medical imaging;
(3) cover medical radiation technology, including diagnostic and therapeutic application, in national cancer plans; and
(4) improve evidence for clinical efficacy of novel cancer interventions involving ionising radiation.
Applicants have to ensure co-ordination with other SAMIRA actions, in order to avoid duplication of activities. In particular, applicants should take into account the Directorate General for Energy’s calls for tenders on medical equipment and co-ordinated implementation of the legal bases for nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceuticals.
Who can participate:
Academia and education establishments, research institutes, hospitals, expert networks including ERNs, enterprises in the field of public health, Member States’ authorities and established networks in the field of public health having experience in at least one of the major fields of clinical application of ionising radiation, including radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy.
EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Consortium: Not required
Status: Imminente
Total budget:
Funding rate:
The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (maximum 60%). You can apply for a higher project funding rate (maximum 80%) if your project is of ‘exceptional utility’.
Opening date 29/07/2021