Scadenza: 15 September 2021


The aim of this action is to update the skills of healthcare professionals and foster the development of a high-quality workforce.
This action will develop an inter-speciality cancer training programme focused on clinical oncology, surgery and radiology specialities, including their nursing services, as well as on patients’ quality of life and well-being, including mental, psychosocial and nutritional support, along with patient empowerment.
Preparatory actions through meetings and workshops to deliver the following
 Development of first set of curricula to be delivered for the launch of the first training in inter-speciality oncology, targeted to clinical oncology, surgery and radiology, including their respective nursing services.
 Fine-tuning of needs assessments, namely estimation of the costing needed to support per centre involved and per person trained, taking into account the number of participants in the consortium.
 Selection and preparation of the first cohort of trainees who will participate in the inter-speciality oncology training.
 Selection and preparation of the cancer centres who will support and host the first cohort of trainees.
The establishment of an inter-speciality cancer training programme is expected to result in the upskilling and re-skilling of healthcare professionals in the areas of clinical oncology, surgery and radiology, and related nursing services


EU4H-PJG EU4H Project Grants

Ente finanziatore:


Budget complessivo:


Duration of the project: 18 months

Who can participate:

Academia and education establishments, research institutes, hospitals, expert networks including European Reference Networks (ERNs), Member States’ authorities and established networks in the field of public health having clinical capability in cancer diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer patients.

Partnership: Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (maximum 60%). You can apply for a higher project funding rate (maximum 80%) if your project is of ‘exceptional utility’.

The aim of this action is to update the skills of healthcare professionals and foster the development of a high-quality workforce. This action will develop an inter-speciality cancer training programme focused on clinical oncology, surgery and radiology specialities, including their nursing services, as well as on patients’ quality of life and well-being, including mental, psychosocial and nutritional support, along with patient empowerment. Preparatory actions through meetings and workshops to deliver the following  Development of first set of curricula to be delivered for the launch of the first training in inter-speciality oncology, targeted to clinical oncology, surgery and radiology, including their respective nursing services.  Fine-tuning of needs assessments, namely estimation of the costing needed to support per centre involved and per person trained, taking into account the number of participants in the consortium.  Selection and preparation of the first cohort of trainees who will participate in the inter-speciality oncology training.  Selection and preparation of the cancer centres who will support and host the first cohort of trainees. The establishment of an inter-speciality cancer training programme is expected to result in the upskilling and re-skilling of healthcare professionals in the areas of clinical oncology, surgery and radiology, and related nursing services

Who can participate:
Academia and education establishments, research institutes, hospitals, expert networks including European Reference Networks (ERNs), Member States’ authorities and established networks in the field of public health having clinical capability in cancer diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer patients.

EU4H-PJG EU4H Project Grants

Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:

Funding rate:
The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (maximum 60%). You can apply for a higher project funding rate (maximum 80%) if your project is of ‘exceptional utility’.

A consortium composed of at least 15 applicant organisations established in at least 7 different eligible countries. Opening date 29/07/2021

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