Scadenza: 4 June 2020


Platform for collaboration across various R&I programmes on human microbiome, including also interaction with omics, impact of drugs, nutritional and environmental aspects


Horizon 2020 SC1 "Health, demographic change and wellbeing" Priority 1.1: Personalised Medicine

Budget complessivo:

2 million



Quota finanziabile:

between EUR 1.5 and 2 million

Platform for collaboration across various R&I programmes on human microbiome, including also interaction with omics, impact of drugs, nutritional and environmental aspects

Who can participate:

Horizon 2020 SC1 "Health, demographic change and wellbeing" Priority 1.1: Personalised Medicine


Status: Open

Total budget:
2 million

Funding rate:
between EUR 1.5 and 2 million

Scope: - Platform for collaboration across various R&I programmes on human microbiome, including also interaction with omics, impact of drugs, nutritional and environmental aspects - Map progress and state-of-play for specific disease and health issues - Propose strategic research agendas on human microbiome for future actions Impact: - Harmonisation and increased comparability of metagenomics and human microbiome data in Europe and beyond - Improved coherence and reduction of overlap between national, EU and other funding ensuring efficient use of available resources - Reinforced collaborations and synergies in Europe and beyond, basis for the development of joint research programmes and alignment - Internationally agreed methods, standards and procedures - Engagement of citizens, scientists and political stakeholders - Integration of metagenomics and human microbiome into other multilateral co-operation areas

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