Scadenza: 7 September 2020


Under this Call, DG REGIO seeks expressions of interest from transnational partnerships of regional authorities, including ecosystems of regional stakeholders (universities, research centres, clusters, SMEs, etc.) willing to pilot interregional innovation partnerships. The objective is to incentivise business investment projects accelerating commercialisation and scale-up of inter-regional innovation.
Four new areas are proposed for cooperation in the framework of the interregional innovation partnerships (one partnership per topic):
1) COVID-19: mobilising regional capacities to accelerate innovation and rapid deployment of new technologies and solutions to address the COVID-19 pandemic; development of the medical value chain (e.g. medical products, devices to tackle COVID-19);
2) Circular Economy in Health;
3) Sustainable and Digital Tourism;
4) Hydrogen technologies in carbon-intensive regions.

Ente finanziatore:

European Commission - DG REGIO

Budget complessivo:

€ 400.000

Who can participate:

Regional authorities, including ecosystems of regional stakeholders (universities, research centres, clusters, SMEs, etc.).
An Expression of Interest can be submitted by a partnership made up of statutory regional authorities and their regional innovation ecosystems.
Partnerships should be composed of regional authorities from at least four different EU countries.

Partnership: Mandatory



Quota finanziabile:

€ 100.000 per partenariato

Under this Call, DG REGIO seeks expressions of interest from transnational partnerships of regional authorities, including ecosystems of regional stakeholders (universities, research centres, clusters, SMEs, etc.) willing to pilot interregional innovation partnerships. The objective is to incentivise business investment projects accelerating commercialisation and scale-up of inter-regional innovation. Four new areas are proposed for cooperation in the framework of the interregional innovation partnerships (one partnership per topic): 1) COVID-19: mobilising regional capacities to accelerate innovation and rapid deployment of new technologies and solutions to address the COVID-19 pandemic; development of the medical value chain (e.g. medical products, devices to tackle COVID-19); 2) Circular Economy in Health; 3) Sustainable and Digital Tourism; 4) Hydrogen technologies in carbon-intensive regions.

Who can participate:
Regional authorities, including ecosystems of regional stakeholders (universities, research centres, clusters, SMEs, etc.). An Expression of Interest can be submitted by a partnership made up of statutory regional authorities and their regional innovation ecosystems. Partnerships should be composed of regional authorities from at least four different EU countries.


Consortium: Required

Status: Open

Total budget:
€ 400.000

Funding rate:
€ 100.000 per partenariato

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