Scadenza: 4 June 2020


Integrative approaches in human biology and related toxicity pathways to propose and demonstrate scientifically valid means for comprehensive safety assessment of chemicals without resorting to animal testing


Horizon 2020 SC1 "Health, demographic change and wellbeing"
Priority 1.2: Innovative health and care industry

Budget complessivo:

EUR 60 million



Quota finanziabile:

between EUR 10 and 20 million

Integrative approaches in human biology and related toxicity pathways to propose and demonstrate scientifically valid means for comprehensive safety assessment of chemicals without resorting to animal testing

Who can participate:

Horizon 2020 SC1 "Health, demographic change and wellbeing" Priority 1.2: Innovative health and care industry


Status: Open

Total budget:
EUR 60 million

Funding rate:
between EUR 10 and 20 million

Scope: - Integrative approaches in human biology and related toxicity pathways to propose and demonstrate scientifically valid means for comprehensive safety assessment of chemicals without resorting to animal testing - Establish the scientific credibility of the approaches for a variety of relevant decision-making contexts and regulatory requirements - Cooperation with complementary initiatives in and outside the EU, including with industry, and Joint research Center (JRC) Impact: - Scientifically sound, practicably implementable non-animal solutions deployable to inform safety assessment of chemicals across sectors - Recognition from regulatory bodies and their engagement to translate results, methods and solutions into safety assessment practice - Reduced use of laboratory animals in safety testing

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