Our education solutions
The demographic transition that we are experiencing calls for adequately trained healthcare professionals able to meet the needs of the elderly population. The AGING Project offers innovative and specialized education and training for healthcare providers, taking into account new care and prevention needs. Our education solutions encompass the three following areas:

Education for healthcare professionals
In old age, adults experience on average more hospitalizations than younger individuals, are more likely to be affected by chronic and neurodegenerative diseases and disabilities, and tend to use more drugs and therapies.
In 2012, the document entitled “Strategy and action plan for healthy aging in Europe”, issued by the
WHO Regional Office for Europe, identified specialized training as a priority by stating that: “National and local training capacity in geriatrics and gerontology is in many cases insufficient. This is apparently due to the many gaps in geriatric knowledge of primary care physicians and other healthcare professionals as well as to the scarce training provided to geriatricians”.
In this regard, the AGING Project has launched several innovative programs for all levels of graduate and post-graduate education and advanced training thanks to the active participation of all departments at UPO, addressing scientific, health, economic, sociological, ethical and legal issues on aging.
The multidisciplinary educational paths are designed to provide healthcare professionals with state-of-the-art knowledge and practical skills related to the care of the elderly and the treatment of age-related diseases. In addition, the AGING Project offers courses on age-related disease prevention and healthy aging.
Indeed, one of the greatest challenges of aging is to educate individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout their lives in order to delay the onset of pathologies or disabilities.
As our ultimate goal is to translate breakthrough discoveries into daily clinical practice, we at AGING Project build synergies between education and research to train Ph.D. students to become future independent scientists.
High Education
First and second level Master’s degree, advanced and refresher courses
All our post-graduate (i.e., Level I and II Masters) advanced and professional refresher courses focus on aging.
Ph.D. Programs
The Ph.D., (i.e., Latin philosophiæ doctor) represents the highest level of education in the Italian academic system. The aim is to provide the necessary skills to carry out research activities on aging in universities and public or private institutions.
Teaching facilities: SIMNOVA
The AGING Project has access to the SIMNOVA facility for all training needs
TThe Interdepartmental Centre for Innovative Didactics and Simulation in Medicine and Health Professions, SIMNOVA, founded by DIMET in 2014, is an internationally renowned center for simulation training in nursing, medicine and medical specialties.
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